Tracking Life at BHFH: Cross-posts from
My wife, Carol, and I have been writing occasional posts about our lives at Beacon Hill Friends House to a blog we named A Year why won’t cialis work for me in a Room. We’ve already outlived the title, as we’re approaching 18 months at the house. As you’ll see in our post below, though, we are in a new room. We recognize that cross-posting is not always a good idea, but several of our housemates have generously suggested that readers of might enjoy our posts. So we’ll try some cross-posting and see how it goes! You can read additional posts by clicking on the tag marked A Year in a Room free trial viagra at the bottom of each post.

A Year in a Room is all about transitions and we have generic sildenafil a new one to report: Our move from the third floor of Beacon Hill Friends House to the second.
For a variety of reasons, Carol’s doc suggested she figure out a way to sleep in less sweltering temperatures. The BHFH electrical system does not accommodate regular air conditioners — no big deal unless you’ve experienced Boston’s summer heat and humidity. A little Internet research turned up some low-powered A/C possibilities. But the BHFH residency manager, Ben, had a better idea: Move to the second floor, where the ceilings are higher and the temperatures lower. And a room was available.

Easier said than done, of course. Halfway down the stairs with a big bookcase, one of the movers we time for cialis to work hired had a question for us: “Did you have this thing built in the room? Because there’s no way it’s coming down these stairs.”
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