Winter in the city: Encasing BHFH in snow and ice!

First came the snow and ice on the sidewalk. Then came the show on the roof and the deck. (Actually the snow and ice arrived simultaneously; it’s just that we focused first on avoiding broken bones out front and then on avoiding any collapsing roofs. One thing at a time…) And now the ice up the side of the building and along the gutters and drain pipes. With staff plotting a snow strategy like (wait — what’s a Quaker metaphor for generals hatching a battle plan?) OK, like good stewards of a 200 year-old historic building, BHFH residents are fighting to keep the place safe and warm and not too treacherously slick. With another storm approaching this weekend, please send good (and warm) energy our way (and maybe a bag or two of ice melt). You’ll find more photos here (click the image to advance through all of them). And just click either of the two images on this page for larger versions.