
What is Beacon Hill Friends House?

Beacon Hill Friends House is a center for Quaker learning and action, the home of Beacon Hill Friends Meeting, and a residential intentional community grounded in Quaker principles.

Our mission is ….

To embody the Quaker principles of faith, simplicity, integrity, community and social responsibility in order to nurture and call forth the Light in all of us.

Beacon Hill Friends House fulfills its mission by: 

  • Providing a center where Friends and others can meet, worship, and learn
  • Advancing and fostering the principles of the Religious Society of Friends
  • Offering opportunities for leadership development, personal deepening, and collective action
  • Maintaining a diverse, intentional, residential community guided by Friends principles

Strategic Plan

In January 2017, the BHFH Board of Managers approved a bold Strategic Plan for the next three years of the Friends House. The plan may be read in full here: BHFH Strategic Plan.

Our staff

Jennifer Newman

Executive Director

Brent Walsh

Program and Engagement Manager

Vickie Wu

Associate Director

Ben Hasan

Facility Manager

Indigenous Land Acknowledgment

Beacon Hill Friends House acknowledges that the land our house occupies — where we live, learn, worship, and cultivate community — has been a site of human activity for more than 13,000 years. We honor the Massachusett and Pawtucket tribes whose ancestral lands our building stands on, and their neighbors the Wampanoag and Nipmuc peoples who have stewarded the land in this area for hundreds of generations. We are grateful to have the opportunity to live and work here.

We also understand that this acknowledgment is insufficient. We seek to continue to learn and act in solidarity with the indigenous peoples of our region who live here today, and to recognize the harm done to the original inhabitants of this land over the last 400 years. 

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