Film, Friends, and Freedom to Marry

October 17, 2024 | Brent Walsh, Program and Engagement Manager

Photo: BHFH residents gathered in the Meeting Room for dinner, documentary, and discussion.

Dear Friends,

It was a pizza-and-movie kind of night, and the Beacon Hill Friends House (BHFH) “housies” gathered in the Meeting Room with blankets, cushions, and an appetite. The Spiritual and Community Life Committee (SCL) hosted this event to spark discussion about a little-known fight for marriage equality. Historically, marginalized groups such as interracial and same-sex couples have faced significant barriers to marriage. Yet disabled people, another marginalized group, face a different set of marriage barriers, a fact that many may not realize.

As we filled our plates, the committee clerk introduced the evening’s film, Patrice: The Movie. It’s a documentary about a couple in their 50s who would risk losing their life-saving benefits if they got married. Millions of people rely on SSI, a federal program that provides financial assistance to disabled people and the elderly. The documentary discussed that when two people on SSI get married, they lose significant portions (if not all) of those benefits.

As we finished the documentary and began sharing our reactions, I felt proud that this was more than just a movie night; it was a continuation of the important work done by generations before us within these walls. The discussions at 6 & 8 Chestnut Street over the decades have contributed to greater understanding and compassion in our neighborhoods and society, and I felt grateful to be part of this legacy. As I made my way back to my room, I reflected on the BHFH community’s commitment to educate and engage with complex issues like these.

Friends, my name is Brent Walsh. I am the Program and Engagement Manager at Beacon Hill Friends House. I am excited to be with you on this journey.

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