Publications Index

Index by Author

Barbour, Hugh      Limits to Leadings of the Light (Weed)
Bock, Cherice      A Challenge to All Friends (Quaker Issues)
Bulimoh, Simon & Patrick J. Nugent

Widows and Orphans: “True Religion” for Friends (KFP)

Carter, Dr. Robert A.      Quaker Leaders for the 21st Century (KFP)
Cazden, Elizabeth      Fellowships, Conferences and Associations (Quaker Issues)

Drayton, Brian      Unity, Disunity, Diversity (Quaker Issues)
Dandelion, Ben Pink     We Are Loved, Let Us Love (Weed)

Edmondson, Maggie      A Road Less Traveled (Quaker Issues)

Fisch, Deborah      Being Faithful as Friends (Weed)
Fisher, Katherine and
Forsythe, Sadie, et al Radical Witness (Book)

Gates, Dr. Thomas      “You Must Lead a Dying Life” (Weed)
Grundy, Martha Paxon      Quaker Treasure (Weed)
Early Friends & Ministry (Quaker Issues)
Gwyn, Doug     Report from the Middle (Quaker Issues)
Revolutionary Quaker Witness: Learning from the Lamb’s War of the 1650’s (Quaker Issues)

Hamm, Thomas        Opening the Quaker Time Capsule (Weed)
Hersh, Kody         Called Into Being (Quaker Issues)
Humphries, Debbie      On Being Grafted Into the Root (Quaker Issues)
Humphries, John, et al Radical Witness (Book)

Julye, Vanessa      Peace through Transformation (Weed – out of print)

McCutchen, Retha      Global Partnerships (Weed)

Nayler, Jqmes  Fragmentos de los escritos de James Nayler
translated by Susan Furry and Benigno Sanchez-Eppler (Spanish language) Based on Brian Drayton’s edition
Nortonsmith, Gina and Heidi Radical Witness

Parsons, Peggy Senger Freedom Friends Church and the Remixing of Quakerism (Weed)
Peterson, Trayce On Stepping Out of the Boat (Weed)
Putney, Clifford & Sarah Spencer (eds.) Jubilee History of Beacon Hill Friends House,A  (Books)

Rehard, Mary Kay      Simple Gifts: HouseholdEcology in Africa (KFP)
Signs of a Healthy Church (KFP)
Stars in Africa (KFP)
Acacia Reflections: The First Year in Africa (KFP)

Thomas, Donald B.      Quaker Origins, Worship& Identity: Reflections from Kenya (KFP)

Volk, Joe      Speaking Truth in Public Policy (Weed)

Weaver, Dr. Harold      Facing Unbearable Truths (Weed)
Whittier, John Greenleaf  Poesia de John Greenleaf Whittier/Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier,

selected and translated by Susan Furry and Benigno Sanchez-Eppler (Dual Language, Spanish language)

Index by Title

Acacia Reflections: The First Year in Africa  Mary Kay  Rehard
Being Faithful as Friends, Deborah Fisch

Called Into Being, Kody Hersh
Challenge to All Friends, A    Cherice Bock

Early Friends & Ministry Martha Paxon Grundy

Facing Unbearable Truths,  Dr. Harold Weaver
Fellowships, Conferences and Associations,   Elizabeth Cazden
Freedom Friends Church and the Remixing of Quakerism Parsons, Peggy Senger
Fragmentos de los escritos de James Nayler translated by Susan Furry and Benigno Sanchez-Eppler (Spanish language)
Based on Brian Drayton’s edition

Global Partnerships – A Shift from Traditional Missions, Retha McCutchen

Jubilee History of Beacon Hill Friends House, A  Putney, Clifford & Sarah Spencer (eds.)

Limits to Leadings of the Light, Hugh Barbour

On Being Grafted Into the Root, Debbie Humphries
On Stepping Out of the Boat Trayce Peterson
Openng the Quaker Time Capsule, Thomas Hamm

Peace through Transformation, Vanessa Julye

Poesia de John Greenleaf Whittier/Poemsof John Greenleaf Whittier selected and translated by Susan Furry and Benigno Sanchez-Eppler (Spanish language)

Quaker Leaders for the 21st Century, Dr. Robert A  Carter.
Quaker Origins, Worship & Identity: Reflections from Kenya, Donald B. Thomas
Quaker Treasure,   Martha Paxton Grundy

Radical Witness, John Humphries, Gina & Heidi Nortonsmith, Katherine Fisher, Sadie Forsythe
Revolutionary Quaker Witness: Learning from the Lamb’s War of the 1650’s Doug Gwyn
Report from the Middle ,  Doug Gwyn
Road Less Traveled,  A  Maggie Edmondson

Signs of a Healthy Church, Mary Kay Rehard
Simple Gifts: Household Ecology in Africa, Mary Kay Rehard
Speaking Truth in Public Policy,  Joe Volk
Stars in Africa,   Mary Kay Rehard

Unity, Disunity, Diversity  Brian Drayton

We Are Loved, Let Us Love – Quakers and the Covenant of Cosmopolitanism Ben Pink Dandelion
Widows and Orphans: “True Religion” for Friends  Simon Bulimoh & Patrick J. Nugent

“You Must Lead a Dying Life”  Dr. Thomas Gates

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