Photo credit: Andre Bogard (
Many of us are yearning for work more fulfilling and meaningful than just a career.
We’re asking deep questions about who we are; about what our values are, and how we might live in alignment with them; about where our gifts and skills meet real needs in the world; we’re asking, “to what end is our labor?” and considering what we’re putting out into the world in addition to what we gain from employment.
Quaker faith and practice offer tools that will equip both Quakers and non-Quakers with what they need to not only discern their call now, but to continue that discernment journey throughout their life, work, and ministry.
In 2020, BHFH residents asked for opportunities to explore their vocations and careers together — and were curious about what practices Quakerism had to offer around vocational discernment. Greg Woods and Jen Higgins-Newman began working on this project for residents, and quickly realized it would be useful in a broader context. Below, you’ll find some resources from our take on vocational discernment rooted in Quakerism but for a wider audience.
This work has been generously funded by the Forum for Theological Exploration. You can learn more about FTE here.
An explanation of how we are thinking about/approaching this curriculum as facilitators. This presentation was given as part of a Friends Association for Higher Education event.
This is an example of our slideshow presentation for these workshops. It can be adapted for various workshop lengths based on the length of the Clearness Committees.
A typical “run of show” for one of these programs.
Beacon Hill Friends House is an independent Quaker nonprofit that provides opportunities for spiritual deepening, personal growth, and collective action.
6 & 8 Chestnut St., Boston, MA, 02108
(617) 227-9118
Photo by Tiffany Hu Photography