Photo credit: Andre Bogard (
The Beacon Hill Friends House’s Board of Managers guides the organization’s vision and strategic work to live into our mission to nurture and call forth the Light in all of us. The Board typically has four management meetings per year, plus one annual meeting open to others who want to join in discernment of how the Friends House may faithfully move forward as an organization. Membership on the Board of Managers is both a responsibility and an enriching opportunity for service aligned with one’s values. Current and past Board members have included a mix of Friends House alumni, residents, Quakers in the Boston area and beyond, and various other “friends of the House.”
Learn more about our board committees by selecting the tabs below. Please get in touch with us at if you’d like to read our full Board member role description or to ask about other aspects of Friends House governance structures.
Building Stewardship comittee oversees the structural and functional integrity of the building, including advising staff on major maintenance projects and long term infrastructure planning. The Committee engages the Board and Corporation regarding the building and grounds meeting the mission, vision, and strategic goals of Beacon Hill Friends House. This includes legal ramifications regarding the building and grounds and financial planning for upkeeping and improving the buildings.
Development committee communicates the activities, passion, and mission of BHFH while making the case for financial support. They send emails to constituents, maintain the house website, set fundraising goals, and make direct financial appeals. Skills that make a good committee member include writing and editing, digital communication, data analysis, and an ability to network and build relationships with donors and potential donors interested in the BHFH mission.
Finance committee is responsible for overseeing the financial sustainability of Beacon Hill Friends House. They prepare the annual budget, review all financial reports, set room and board rates, review house contracts and investments, and engage in long-term financial planning. Members need not be financial professionals, but should have a commitment to the Quaker testimony of stewardship, and an ability to communicate clearly about financial issues to a wider audience.
Nominating & Governance committee identifies people to serve in various roles on the Board, and presents these recommendations to the Board for approval. They seek out people who have a connection to the house, as well as experience with Quakerism, board service, or nonprofit work. Members should be willing to reach out to prospective board and committee members and have conversations exploring board/committee service to the House. It is helpful for at least some members of the Nominating committee to have a good network of people to nominate, such as BHFH alumni, the Quaker community, and others whose interests may overlap with the work of BHFH.
The committee also considers topics related to the governance of the Board and of BHFH overall including processes for board member orientation, board self-evaluation, and changes to the governance structures of the organization.
Personnel committee advises the Board on matters of policy and procedure relating to the employment of staff, is responsible for conducting an annual review of the Director, receives regular reports from staff members, and addresses questions or concerns that may arise. In consultation with Finance Committee, they make recommendations regarding staff compensation and benefits. They also function as advisors to the Director, providing counsel and support regarding the Director’s job responsibilities.
The Program Strategy Committee works to guide the house, at a strategic level, to live into its mission by discerning/seasoning programmatic priorities and providing guidance and support to BHFH staff as they identify program-related areas for committee input and discernment and develop programs and initiatives. In the context of this committee, the “program areas of the Friends House” include public-facing events and online programs, and also the residency, hospitality (overnight guest accommodations), and facility-rental aspects of BHFH operations.
Clerk of the Board
Clerk of the Board
Clerk of Finance Committee
Clerk of Finance Committee
Clerk of Development Committee
Clerk of Development Committee
Clerk of Nominating Committee
Clerk of Nominating Committee
Treasurer (interim)
Treasurer (interim)
Clerk of Personnel Committee
Clerk of Personnel Committee
At-large board member
At-large board member
At-large board member
At-large board member
Recording Clerk
Recording Clerk
Recording Clerk
Recording Clerk
At-large board member
At-large board member
Executive Director
Beacon Hill Friends House is an independent Quaker nonprofit that provides opportunities for spiritual deepening, personal growth, and collective action.
6 & 8 Chestnut St., Boston, MA, 02108
(617) 227-9118
Photo by Tiffany Hu Photography