Photo credit: Andre Bogard (
CAMINANDO CON LA BIBLIA es una serie bilingüe mensual de 2 horas bíblicas en el 22 de Enero, el 26 de Febrero, y el 26 de Marzo. Patrocinado por FWCC / CMCA.
En esta serie, Peter Blood-Patterson dará la bienvenida a una serie de diferentes Amigos como líderes invitados. Tendremos la oportunidad de escuchar qué papel juega la Biblia en la vida de cada uno de estos Amigos y de escuchar qué enfoques de Biblia funcionan en su práctica personal y entornos grupales, y leeremos y discutiremos un pasaje de la Escritura que es significativo para ellos.
Registrarse aquí
WALKING WITH THE BIBLE is a monthly bilingual series of Bible hours (2 hours each) on Saturdays, January 22, February 26, and March 26. Sponsored by FWCC/CMCA.
In this series, Peter Blood-Patterson will welcome a series of different Friends as guest leaders. We will have a chance to hear what role the Bible plays in each of these Friends’ lives and to hear what approaches to the Bible they find work in their personal practice and group settings, and we will read and discuss a piece of Scripture that is meaningful for them.
Register here
January 22 | 4 PM (ET)
February 26 | 4 PM (ET)
March 26 | 5 PM (ET)
Nuestro presentador de la serie/ Our series host
Coordinator of the Program of the Committee of Latin American Friends
Program Director for Beacon Hill Friends House
Este será un evento participativo con la oportunidad de dejar que Dios hable a nuestros corazones a través de la Biblia y de compartir lo que estamos escuchando entre nosotros en pequeños grupos de trabajo y en el grupo en general.
Esta es una oportunidad para aprender y pasar tiempo con una variedad de Amigos para quienes la Biblia proporciona una puerta al Espíritu viviente. ¡Bienvenidos a todos, cualquiera que sea su experiencia previa con la Biblia!
Esta serie ofrecerá traducción del inglés al español.
Los amigos pueden asistir a sesiones individuales o a toda la serie.
Costo: proporcione la cantidad que le parezca adecuada, ya sea seleccionando una de las cantidades sugeridas o ingresando una cantidad personalizada en el espacio provisto (no es un requisito para participar).
This will be a participatory event with a chance to let God speak to our hearts through the Bible — and to share what we are hearing with each other in small breakout groups and in the group as a whole.This is an opportunity to learn from and spend time with a variety of Friends for whom the Bible provides a doorway to the living Spirit. Welcoming to all whatever your previous experience is with the Bible!
Friends are welcome to attend single sessions or the whole series.
Accessibility: Closed captioning will be provided through a computer-generated service.
Cost: Pay-as-led
Give any amount that feels right to you, either by selecting one of the suggested amounts or entering a custom amount in the space provided.
Schedule (select your timezone below)
Schedule (Eastern Time)
4:45 pm Optional settling in, tech assistance
5:00 pm Program begins
6:00 pm Small Group discussions
6:30 pm Worship Sharing and Group Discussion
7:00 pm Program Ends
Schedule (Central Time)
3:45 pm Optional settling in, tech assistance
4:00 pm Program begins
5:00 pm Small Group discussions
5:30 pm Worship Sharing and Group Discussion
6:00 pm Program Ends
Schedule (Mountain Time)
3:45 pm Optional settling in, tech assistance
3:00 pm Program begins
4:00 pm Small Group discussions
4:30 pm Worship Sharing and Group Discussion
5:00 pm Program Ends
Schedule (Pacific Time)
1:45 pm Optional settling in, tech assistance
2:00 pm Program begins
3:00 pm Small Group discussions
3:30 pm Worship Sharing and Group Discussion
4:00 pm Program Ends
Beacon Hill Friends House is an independent Quaker nonprofit that provides opportunities for spiritual deepening, personal growth, and collective action.
6 & 8 Chestnut St., Boston, MA, 02108
(617) 227-9118
Photo by Tiffany Hu Photography