Taking time

April 29, 2020 | By Jen Higgins-Newman, BHFH Program Manager

Like a plant uprooted, at the beginning of all of this, I felt like I was searching the new soil for something to hold onto. Unsettled, I searched for places to find comfort, nurture, and meaning. That process is important, but it cannot last forever. 

It’s time to again take root, but the growing process takes nurturing, discernment, and time. Try as I might to push things along quickly, I cannot force time to run its course.

Having patience and taking time, at least for me, isn’t a passive thing. My nature is to push, course correct, and problem-solve my way into moving forward.

But, now more than ever, I need to tend to my roots.

To cultivate and nurture patience.

To get comfortable with slowing down, and to use this time as a moment to reap the benefits of slowed life.

To make wise decisions and to take time making them.

To build relationships, strengthen networks and community, and do so through the humdrum normalcy of a slow and simple everyday life. And to do so under the ground, in the soil where it’s dark and messy and teeming with life we don’t see until it’s uncovered. 

In Light and community,

Photo Caption: One of our residents sewed a special mask for the dog statue who lives on our front porch and keeps watch day and night, rain or shine. 


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