
October 23, 2023 | Lahari Indraganti, Program Fellow

The BHFH 2nd floor library with its new wall sconces.
The BHFH 2nd floor library with its new wall sconces.

In the heart of the Beacon Hill Friends House, a quiet haven for reading, reflection, and community bonding awaited transformation. The library, which had become an inadvertent magnet for assorted clutter and orphaned furniture, yearned for rejuvenation, and I felt compelled to answer the call.

Centering the community and its needs was my priority in stewarding this project. We had all the residents take a survey to provide feedback on the library and what they would like to see happen to the space. We formed a new committee and started to tackle the clutter. Next, we added wall sconces that can be switched on at the door—putting an end to the days of wandering around in the dark to turn on individual lamps. We mended, dyed, and fixed some of the furniture for an updated look. We monitored the local Buy Nothing Facebook group and scrounged the streets of Beacon Hill on trash day for new aesthetic additions to the space. The changes are palpable as one steps into the library, and I’ve already heard from many house residents about how they appreciate the improvements!

As we move forward, our committee is brimming with ideas to further enhance the library’s appeal. We are exploring ways to add more comfortable seating, establish a robust craft library, and introduce art and decor that reflect the spirit of our community.

We envision a space that not only inspires creativity but also fosters connection and meaningful conversations among residents. In essence, the library renovation project at the Friends House is a testament to the power of community spirit and resourcefulness. With minimal financial resources but a wealth of determination and ingenuity, we have begun to transform our library into a haven of contemplation and comfort.

It is a reminder that when we come together with a shared vision and unwavering commitment, we can achieve remarkable results.

In stewarding transformation,

Lahari Indraganti

BHFH Program Fellow

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